Monday, October 30, 2017

Routinely Weigh Child Nutrition Early Detection Efforts

Appropriate weight gain graph growth into one of the parameters of nutritional status and health of the fruit of your heart. Monitor the little weight can be an initial step to detect early problems of malnutrition, in order not to be late getting the right handling.
Less weight on the little occurs when weight is below average compared with height and age. It became the harbinger of the little one suffered malnutrition. The condition could be bad on the immune system, so the little one prone to experiencing infectious diseases, as well as flower growing disorder may experience in the future, lack of energy or feeling tired quickly, the risk of more bone fragile, to interference on fertility.

Benefits Weigh The Child On A Regular Basis

Monitoring weight gain very important little one done for:
· Detect interference and distortion of growing flower children early on in order to get follow-up quickly and precisely.
· Preventing nutritional deficiency or malnutrition in children.
· To find out if toddlers grow up healthy.
· To know the completeness of immunization.
· Get nutrition counseling.
To monitor the nutritional status and growth rate of child, parents need to do the weighing the little weight every month. Now at Posyandu used monitoring cards towards a healthy (KMS). At Posyandu, children will also get vitamin A capsules, immunization, health screening, as well as the stimulation of the little flower growing.
Every child should have a KMS in order to monitor its growth. Each time weighing weight children must be marked with the listing points on the KMS and every point connected forming a line that indicates the condition of the growth of the little one. If a line goes up to follow the line of growth, then the growth of the child. If the line is flat or even declining mean sign children should get further handling by the clinic or the doctor.
Each month the little weight should increase following the line of growth, if not escalated two months in a row, meaning little one may experience impaired growth and Mother need to be wary of cause factor as well as the impact of the poor for the health of the little one.
In addition to the card with the KMS, the mother can also access to know if the child already optimal weight in accordance with age and also high. The mother simply enter the data in the form of Small weight, date of birth, and also the height of the child to look at the little flower growing.

Tips Increase The Weight Of The Child

The mother can also perform these simple steps to cope with the weight less on the little one.
· Increase your intake of calories. The key to increase the weight of the child, namely by adopting a balanced eating pattern. Then, if the child has already started eating solid food, give your intake of carbohydrates and proteins in order to increase the intake of calories. As a source of carbohydrates, give the rice, potatoes, whole wheat bread, whole wheat or products from. For protein, choose fish, chicken, eggs, meat, and beans. Provide vegetable and fruit every day, especially the fruit that contain calories such as banana and avocado. Keep in mind, increase your calorie intake does not mean giving children sugary or fatty foods.
Supplementing with milk products. The awarding of the best nutrients can be started by giving breast milk (BREAST MILK) since the start of the birth. After the age of 6 months, the mother can still continue breast feeding combined with complementary food ASI (MPASI). On the little one who experienced less weight gain, there is a possibility the doctor gives recommendation milk with calories and nutrients specially
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Meningokel, a rare Neural Tube Abnormalities

Meningokel, a rare Neural Tube Abnormalities

On the back there is little one large lump contains fluid? It could be that it is meningokel. Meningokel is its prominent membranes covering the spinal cord and the nerves of the spine. Abnormalities in the formation of the spine is caused by neural tube end closing it failed when the little one is still tangible in the embryo in the womb.
Meningokel is part of the formation of the neural tube disorder in a fetus or spina bifida. SAC or cyst meningokel emerged through a crack in the spine. This bulge is filled by some membranes of the spine and spinal fluid. In addition to affecting the appearance of the little spine, meningokel can also affect the nerves in the vicinity.

Early detection of meningokel can be done before the little one was born. When the mother enters the weeks gestational age to 15 – 20, doctors can do ULTRASOUND examinations to monitor fetal development and detect whether there are abnormalities in the formation of the neural tube. For more accurate results, doctors can conduct genetic examinations by taking a sample of amniotic fluid to see if there is a congenital abnormalities in the fetus.

Remove Meningokel

So the little one was diagnosed with meningokel, most likely the doctor will schedule the surgery as soon as possible. The initial surgery can prevent the occurrence of infection, swelling, and further damage the spinal cord, and nerves of the little one. If the nerves and spinal cord are already flawed or damaged, surgery can't fix it.
Meningokel handling operations are performed in a way to make incisions on the SAC or cyst that appears, in order to drain off the liquid in it. During the process of surgery is done, the little one is under the influence of anesthesia or general anesthesia in order to fall asleep and not experiencing pain.
After surgery, the grassroots are given antibiotics by doctors to prevent infection. In addition, he also had to be hospitalized for about 2 weeks. Any doctor will likely run additional tests, such as ULTRASOUND or MRI. The test is done to ensure the wound heal with normal operations and to monitor whether there is a build-up of fluid in the head or Hydrocephalus. This condition may occur after surgery meningokel.
Other risks that can arise after surgery of which is an infection or inflammation of the spinal cord, and nerve disorders like weakness to paralysis of muscles. However, meningokel does not usually damage nerve tissue. Therefore, the operation could be run smoothly and managed properly if this condition is handled from the beginning.

Meningokel and folic acid

The risk of the little one suffered meningokel and all kinds of neural tube disorders (spina bifida), can be reduced even prevented if Mothers consumed sufficient folic acid during pregnancy. Mothers are advised to start taking folic acid supplements around 400 micrograms per day as soon as the mother decide to want to have children, or at least one month before getting pregnant. Folic acid must remain consumed during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.
Folic acid can be obtained from supplements or food. Foods that contain folic acid include asparagus, broccoli, potatoes, eggs, grilled salmon, citrus fruits, bread, lentils, beans, legumes, grains, avocado, and spinach.
Folic acid is a water-soluble nutrients. So, if you want to get the optimal folic acid content, it is advisable to steaming (not boil) foods containing folic acid. Cooking any food not too long because it can destroy folic acid in it.
To avoid meningokel, the pregnant women are also advised to do routine checks of the pregnancy to the doctor. Ask also what other risk factors that can increase the occurrence of meningokel in infants, so that it can be avoided.

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Support Follows the little one with the appropriate Nutrients

Support Follows the little one with the appropriate Nutrients

Hi Mam, it should find out important stages in the life of the little one. One of them, Mam should know that at the age of 1-5 years is the golden period to optimise the little brains.
When compared to other age stages, in the period of the gold, the little one's ability in absorbing more information.

Generally, Mam and Pap that follows the little measure of cognitive ability, such as stringing words, counting, and recognize objects. Try to change the way it is. The little brains are not only measured from the brains of sense or also known as smart sense.
From now on, Mam should measure synergy from the little brains brains sense, physical, and social. As to whether the brains of sense of social, physical, and the little one?
Smart sense also called mental cleverness with include the ability of child to communicate, solve problems, think clearly, and critical. Word smart, number smart, picture smart, nature smart, and smart music.
Physical brains intimately connected with motor development commonly referred to as body smart. Cleverness can be seen from the physical prowess of the grassroots in exploring nature or are often called Nature Smart.
While the social cleverness is the ability of the grassroots in interacting with the social environment and control yourself.
Each of these brains are equally important and should be supported by the same portion. However, support is required to optimize these three types of brains. The following is a support that should be pay attention to optimizing the three Mam:

Support for Smart Sense

1. Essential fatty acids (Omega 3 & 6)
DHA (Docosehaxaenoic Acid) and AA (Arachidonic Acid) are part of the long chain Omega 3 essential fatty acids and Omega 6. Omega 3 fatty acids (acid alpha-linolenic acid) and Omega 6 (linoleic acid) which is essential for the process of observing and thinking this little one, can not be produced the body. MAM can get it from salmon, tuna, shrimp, shellfish, peanuts, soybeans, walnuts and olive oil.
2. Kolin
Kolin is a nutrient needed for brain development and memory function. In addition, kolin help the communication process of the brain with the other organs in the body. Food sources that contain kolin in between eggs, fortified milk, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and soy.
3. Iron
Iron is important in the production and maintenance of myelin, a fatty coating that is cover and protect the nerve. In addition, iron is also required in the manufacture of myogoblin, hemoglobin, hormones, and connective tissue. Food sources of iron include green vegetables, beans, poultry and beef with no fat.
4. Vitamin A
Children ages 1-3 years requires the intake of vitamin A 400 micrograms per day (RDA, 2013). Vitamin A is needed to support the functions of sight and help protect the body from infection and disease. Vitamin A also supports the growth of bones, teeth, and soft tissue. Make sure the little one consumes carrot, spinach, sweet potato, and red bell pepper to get enough vitamin A intake.

Support for Physical Brains

1. Protein
Protein is an important component in each cell of the body. As many as 15 percent of our workforce if sourced from protein. Therefore, the protein is an essential component that will help the little one to grow on. The best source of protein for the smaller beans, beef, poultry, eggs, and milk.
1. Alpha-lactalbumin
Alpha-lactalbumin is whey protein that consists of about 20% of the total protein content that is easy to digest. This protein can increase the absorption of minerals and stimulate the function and have the effect of prebiotik. Alpha Lactalbumin lots contained in meat, poultry, fish, eggs and fortified milk.

Support for the Social Cleverness

Give your little one the affection and attention and appreciate the positive things that he did. In addition, give it a chance to interact with his friends in order for its communication ability increases.
Support smart synergy continues to make sense of the social, physical, and Your sons and daughters with the best nutrition and stimulation for their compliance with the stages of his age.

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Learn About The Various Causes Of High Platelet

Learn About The Various Causes Of High Platelet 

Platelets are blood cells that serves to help the process of blood clotting. The role of platelets is extremely important, especially to stop the bleeding. However, high platelet condition turned out to be dangerous to health because it can cause damage to red blood cells, the formation of blood clots.

The high number of platelets, also known as trombositosis, is a condition that cannot be underestimated. In most people, the risk of blood clotting may increase due to the higher number of platelets. These blood clots may just inhibit blood flow to the brain, heart, liver and other vital organs, so that you are exposed to the risk of stroke and heart disease ever increased.

Conditions that can lead to Higher Platelet
Normally, the number of platelets in adults are in the range of 150,000-400,000 per mikroliter blood. Called high platelets, if blood platelets in reach 400,000 or more per mikroliter blood.
Here are some of the causes that can lead to higher platelet:
· Post tissue damage
Damage to body tissues can cause a high number of platelets. After surgery or had an accident for example, damage to the body's tissues can occur so as to trigger an increase in the number of platelets. This is the body's mechanism to prevent a fatal hemorrhage, as well as the body attempts to achieve recovery.
· Blood loss
When an injury and blood loss, the bone marrow will give a response in the form of produce more red blood cells and platelets as well.
· Infection
In children, high platelets can occur when a child suffered an infection. The increase in the number of platelets is allegedly due to hormones cytokines which act as part of the defense of the body against infection. Generally after infection is handled properly.
· Inflammation
As with infection, inflammation can also lead to increase the number of platelets. It can occur in people.
· Suffering from cancer
Some cancers can cause a high number of platelets and cause damage to the surrounding tissues, blood loss, or affect the immune system response in stimulating the bone marrow to produce platelets.
· Bone marrow disorders
The high number of platelets can occur due to an essential trombositemia, or abnormalities or diseases of the bone marrow that stimulates the formation of platelet in excess in the bone marrow, such as disease chronic mieloid leukemia mieloproliferatif, and myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS).
· Consumption of certain drugs
Consumption of certain drugs can also be the cause of the increase in the number of platelets is only temporary though. Drugs that can cause an increase in the number of platelets, which arecorticosteroids and cincristine. The use of this drug is commonly given to patients who have experienced a low number of platelets due to suffering from Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP). In addition to these medications, chemotherapy drugs also allow the occurrence of an increased number of blood cells, including platelets in the body.
If you experience symptoms such as headaches, chest pain, dizziness, weakness, loss of function of hearing for a while, numbness or tingling in the foot part of the hand, check with your doctor immediately. Because, it is possible that you experience high platelets. To ensure the number of platelets in the blood, doctors will give recommendations for examination.

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