Monday, October 30, 2017

Understand the function of Hemoglobin and its normal Levels in the body

The function of hemoglobin that is carrying oxygen throughout the body, to the organs and tissues of the body. Oxygen content that is bound to the hemoglobin in the blood cells that make blood became red.
Hemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells. The occurrence of changes in hemoglobin levels in the blood can indicate the occurrence of health disorders, especially relating to blood.

Instructions from the levels of Hemoglobin

The size of the hemoglobin levels depending on age and gender. At mature women over the age of 18 years, i.e. normal hemoglobin levels 12 to 15 g/dl. Then, for the adult men above 18 years of age, i.e. normal hemoglobin levels of 13 to 17 g/dl.
When the condition of a person's hemoglobin is higher or lower than the normal amount, can be a sign of the presence of health disorders.
  1. Low Hemoglobin Levels
    Low hemoglobin Levels mean there is something on your body. For example, running out of nutrients deficiency of blood because of the surgery, anemic blood disorder, or have problems with the kidneys, as well as the existence of radiation exposure.
  2. High Hemoglobin Levels
    High hemoglobin levels also showed that there are abnormalities in the body. At a time when high haemoglobin means your body likely suffered from a bone marrow disorder, drug use is not appropriate, cancer, lung disease, or the habit of smoking. There are also environmental factors that causes hemoglobin levels become high, like living in the Highlands.

Benefit Checks The Levels Of Hemoglobin

The doctor will usually give blood examination done recommendations including checking the levels of hemoglobin in the blood to:
  1. Diagnosing a disease
    There are some diseases that can be diagnosed by examination of hemoglobin. For example when you complained of symptoms in the form of fatigue, weakness, dizziness, and shortness of breath, it is likely you have anemia or polisitemia. That's when needed examination hemoglobin to ascertain what actually the condition you are experiencing.
  2. Monitor health conditions
    If you are exposed to certain diseases, especially diseases that have something to do with blood, the doctor will do an inspection of the hemoglobin to monitor your medical condition. In addition, the examination of hemoglobin can be used as a tool to monitor the success of the treatment and care provided, as well as determining the proper care until you recover from the disease.
  3. Routine health checks
    Examination of hemoglobin is also often done at the time of routine health examination (medical check up). This hemoglobin examination as part of a series of complete blood examination. The goal is to know or no conditions that require special attention, such as anemia.
The function of hemoglobin is essential for the body. Hemoglobin levels are too low or high, can be a harbinger of health disorders. To ensure such conditions, test hemoglobin can be done, and certainly on the recommendation of a doctor.



Understand the function of Hemoglobin and its normal Levels in the body
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